"I remember one day when someone who did have the West Village number came to pick me up for lunch there, and we both had hangovers, and I cut my finger opening him a beer and burst into tears, and we walked to a Spanish restaurant and drank bloody Marys and gazpacho until we felt better. I was not then guilt-ridden about spending afternoons that way, because I still had all the afternoons in the world."
__Joan Didion,
em “Goodbye to All That"
Autobiografia de Robert Graves, "Goodbye to all that" foi publicado pela primeira vez em 1929, quando o autor tinha 34 anos. "It was my bitter leave-taking of England", ele escreve no prólogo da segunda edição revisada de 1957, "where I had recently broken a good many conventions." A obra traça a monumental e universal perda da inocência que ocorre como resultado da Primeira Guerra Mundial.
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all the afternoons in the world... my sweet dream. rs
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